Danielle Wilson

Designing for a Better Workspace

Quality workplace design takes into account the comfort and potential for productivity of the user, however these solutions are not always what works best for everyone.

For many people who are neurodivergent, the typical office set up is not always conducive to an effective work environment. Instead it can create a barrier to productivity as well as quality of life in the workspace. Incorporating an element of movement can help to increase focus and enhance cognitive performance.

Building the Basics

Beginning my 2D ideation I had many ideas in creating a meaningful piece of furniture, but ultimately focused of the swing desk with the intention of combining work and play. You can use this space here to write a bit more about the work you show on the side.

When working on 3D ideation, I wanted to create the structure of a simple swing so that I could learn the mechanics of how a swing operates and the necessary elements for strength. It also informed the height of the swing and how it could be more comfortable.

Final Model

The swing desk provides a space for both work and play. It allows movement during a time where one might usually be stationary, and the swing’s desk can be moved to accommodate different degrees of movement. This new approach for work is designed to benefit people with anxiety, ADHD, and autism, as movement improves focus and attention for many.

When choosing paint colors for this project, I wanted to create the feeling of play as well as sophistication. The more vibrant green evokes a feeling of nature and promotes a fresh and inspired atmosphere. The cream color provides an element of calm and focus as the user approaches the desk for a balanced day of work and relaxation.

For the swing’s cushion I picked out a cream and gray colored houndstooth patterned wool fabric. I used a Consew sewing machine to sew the rectangular cushion along with some hand sewing.Use this space to explain the image above a bit more in detail.

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